
Showing posts from January, 2014

Books and it's related articles

                  FICTION READING FOR STUDENTS 1. Reading is the basic foundation on which academic skills of our individual are built. 2. Reading doesn't just enhance the child's ability to comprehend various concepts with ease, but      also develops critical thinking skills. 3. Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. 4. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader. 5. Reading is the single most important skill necessary for a happy productive and successful life. READING In these busy times, when we don't even have time to eat breakfast, it isn't surprising that we have given up on reading... or rather we have forgotten the importance of reading. Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. Our education system acknowledges the fa...

key points to face exam

KEY POINTS TO BE FOLLOWED TO FACE THE EXAM 1. Reach the Examination hall in Time 2. Read the instructions given in the question paper carefully 3. Present your answers legibly 4. Try to attempt all the questions 5. Answer to the Point 6. Be quick in answering objective type questions 7. Questions that are very easy can be attempted first. 8. The cardinal points may be underlined. 9. Give enough time and importance to easy questions 10. Steps should be written systamatically when you answer. 11. Problem of Mathematics and steps should be shown to achieve marks for steps 12. Do not waste your precious time on questions difficult for you to answer. 13. Be confident and have a systamatic approach. 14. Check your answer sheets before you hand over to enable you to locate mistakes if any crept in the answer sheet. 15. Assure youreself that the register number and question numbers are written correctly. 16.Hard work is the strongest weapon that conquers ...