Books and it's related articles



1. Reading is the basic foundation on which academic skills of our individual are built.

2. Reading doesn't just enhance the child's ability to comprehend various concepts with ease, but
     also develops critical thinking skills.

3. Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes.

4. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader.

5. Reading is the single most important skill necessary for a happy productive and successful life.


In these busy times, when we don't even have time to eat breakfast, it isn't surprising that we have given up on reading... or rather we have forgotten the importance of reading. Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. Our education system acknowledges the fact that reading is important for the holistic development of a student, and hence 'it' is considered a top priority. Reading doesn't just enhance the child's ability to comprehend various concepts with ease, but also develops critical thinking skills.

Educational researchers have found that there is  a strong correletion between reading and academic success. Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the cvonversational skills of the reader. It consistently enhances the knowledge acquired. Reading is the single most important skills necessary for a happpy, productive and successful life. A child who is an excellent reader is a confident child has a high level of self-esteem and is able to easily make from learning to read to reading to learn. Learning to read well is an essential life skill that teachers must ensure thattheir students acquire.


For general improvement, a man should read whatever his immediate inclination prompts him to;though if he has science to learn, he must regularly and resolutely advance. What we read with inclination makes a stronger inclination. If we read without inclination, half the mind is employed in fixing the attention so there is bu half to be employed on what we read. If a man begins to read in the middle of a book, and feels an inclination to go on, let him not quit to go to the beginning. He may,perhaps, not feel again the inclination.




The very first book printed in what is now known as USA is the Bay Psalm Book. Puritan Setters printed it in Cambridge, Massauchusetts in 1640. It was sold for 14.2 million dollars at a mensyork auction recently to set up a record as the world's most expensive book preserved as on antique, it contains biblical psalms.

Date 03-04-2013

How to Select a Good Book

  • The cover of the book is the first to check. Looks good? Go on, take it. But remember – a book cannot be judged only by its cover.
  • Go through the summary given on the back cover or inside flap. Does the book sound like something you would enjoy? 
  • Skim the text, specially look for illustrations. Good pictures will help you understand the topic better for non-fiction books and it will be an added attraction for stories and novels. Here your age also matters!
  • Check the New Arrivals Rack in the library or the bookstore.
  • Look on the recently returned bookshelf. You will get some good choices. It's a good guest that the books taken by someone else may be a good one. 
  • Get suggestions from your librarian, who would be glad to help you and may be knowing your likes and dislikes!
  • Ask the recommendations of your friends and of course, discuss the books you have read.
  • Your teachers are the best sources. Read the books they might have discussed in the class. 

  • Check the credentials of the authors. If you liked a book by an author, most probably you would like his other works too!

  • Go for books published by well-known publishers. They select their books and authors judiciously. So you can rely on them.

  • Browse through the library shelves. Something will catch your eye. 

  • Read the book reviews on Newspaper, Magazines and Internet.

A Word of Caution

"No good book, or good thing of any kind, shows its best face at first"
- Carlyle

So, do not judge a book by reading just the first few pages.



Reading begins at home. As a parent you are the first and most important teacher your child will have. Enjoy stories with your child from a very early age. Even newborns can sense your enthusiasm when you read to them. Try to set aside a special time each and every day that you and your child can enjoy a number of books together without interruption. Your child will signal you when he or she begins to tire of
this activity. Let this be your clue that story time has ended. It is probably best to let your child dictate
the length of time spent reading and you will find that as the activity becomes standard, your child will sit and listen for longer periods of time.
Be sure and engage your child in conversations, for communicating orally is a prerequisite to understanding the written work. Encourage and ask question like "Why?" "What would you
have done?" or "Who was your favorite character?" from a book or television show.
Your child will have a lot of fun choosing books from the library or bookstore and will enjoy even the simplest of tales. Once your child begins to read independently, take turns reading to each other. This is also a great time to begin to read longer stories. Perhaps a chapter or two a day. There are plenty of books out there that will keep kids on the edge of their seats until the next reading session.
Be certain that your child has the opportunity to watch you enjoy reading. Don't save those newspapers, magazines or novels until after the little ones are in bed.
Children will begin to read on their own timetable. They may be a "listener" longer than other children their age. Don't worry: they will begin to read when the time is right for them. Should you have a question about their reding ability, don't hesitate to ask your pediatrician or school personnel about early reading and literacy programs in your community. They may be able to suggest steps to take to further your child's reading abilities.


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