Library policy

                                        LIBRARY POLICY FOR KENDRIYA VIDYALAYAS

Every Kendriya Vidyalaya will have a library. The objectives of the library is to:
 Be the knowledge hub of the school and disseminate knowledge as widely as
 Facilitate creation of new knowledge.
 Facilitate optimal use of knowledge by all staff and students.
 Ensure easy access to the facilities available to all staff and students.
 Encourage and foster reading habit among staff and students.
 Effectively participate in the teaching-learning programmes of the school.
In order to achieve these objectives the library will undertake to:-
 Serve as the center of information for the Vidyalaya and provide easy access
to national and global knowledge to all staff and students.
 Offer an inviting and attractive physical space with proper seating
arrangements and other amenities.
 Ensure that staff and students are treated with courtesy and offered all
assistance in their pursuit of knowledge.
 Offer proactive services to all users.
 Optimize its potential to provide access to information and knowledge to all
by proper display, categorization,classification of resource materials.
 Help all the users to develop the skills to make optimum use of all the
 Undertake activities to foster an interest in books and increase involvement in
the library.
 Improve the collection and services on a continuing basis in consultation with
 Workout a progamme in consultation with teachers for the effective use of all
types of library materials.
 To work effectively and efficiently by undertaking every activity in a
professional manner.
For further information go to :

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